Wednesday, August 28, 2013

What is Charles City Moms Group?

Charles City Moms Group in a nut shell is a group of Moms that meet the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month (during the school year) at Saint Johns Church from 8:45 to 11. Really it's so much more then that is it's friendship, it's creativity, it's faith building, and so much more. CCMG gives mom much needed time to feel rejuvenated & inspired while your sweet children are cared for in our munchkin land.

During our meetings we have a little social time while we eat a potluck style breakfast, this is always a place to get fun new recipes. It's then followed by a devotion by the worlds best mentor Melinda Quint. We will do a quick Ice Breaker game with our Hospitality Steering members Darci Tracey and Lori Gassman. These games help us all to know each other better. There are two types of meetings Speakers and Creative Activity. We have a great line up of speakers this year. They will be speaking on topics that are important to our moms. The other type of meetings are Creative Activity I know there are some of you reading this in a PANIC! I promise you even if you aren't "crafty" our creative activity Steering Member, Ashley Shirley has tailored the activities to everyone super crafty or barley able to cut she will be able to help you. :) After our Creative Activity or Speaker we will do discussion group questions this is one of my favorite things because it gives me time to have adult conversations that I don't normally get during the day with my kiddos. After discussion group it's time to get your sweet kiddos from Munchkin Land.

What is Munchkin Land you might be asking? Munchkin Land is where your children will be cared for by our loving Munchkin Helpers. All MH have had a background check and have been interviewed by our Munchkin Steering Member, Brandi Lantz. While in ML your children with have time to socialize with other children their age. They will also do an age appropriate activity and have a snack. Along with the Munchkin Helpers there will be 3 to 5 middle school students that come to help from their family consumer science class. Munchkins will be divided into two rooms depending on their age. Munchkin helpers are always ready and willing to help with any special instructions you have. All being parents before they know how to run a potty training toddlers to the bathroom or cuddle the little friend that just isn't sure if s/he wants to stay.

Now that the meeting is over we still aren't done with you. CCMG has many Outside Events planned this year from a Chili Cook Off to Appetizer and Dessert Night, we have many things planned that will be for moms alone, couples, moms and kids, and the whole family.

As you can see we have a very fun year planned if you have any questions about CCMG feel free to comment below, send us a message on FaceBook here, or email our Coordinator, Jody Osier at Rounding out our Steering Team we have Marisa Anderson with Finance and Myself, Dusty Schmitt with Publicity.

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