Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Fall Monogram Door Hanger

Our October Creative Activity for CCMG was a Fall Monogram Door Hanger.
The supplies you will need are an 8x10 frame (ours were purchase at our local Good Will for 99cents), leaf garland cut to about 15inches, your monogram letter, gold spray paint (not pictured), glue gun(not pictured), and a strip of burlap.
 First you will want to spray paint the front side of your letter and let it dry. Next decide how you want your letter placed. You could center the letter, hang it threw the middle with the burlap, or glue it to the corner just play around with it until you find what you like.
Thirdly wrap your garland around one side of the frame. Next glue your letter down and tack down your garland in a couple places. Finally make a loop with your garland for hanging.

This craft ended up costing a little over $5 a person. Not bad for and up cycled door hanger :)
***CCMG meets the first and third Tuesday of every month, if you would like more info check us out on facebook or email our coordinator

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Munchkin Of The Meeting #2

 Meet Our Purple Room Munchkin of The Meeting
Ellie Joy
Also known by Ells Bells and Ellie Bellie
Favorite Color: Pink
Favorite Food: Ice Cream and Chicken (not together :) )
Favorite Thing To Do: Go to the park
Favorite Animal: Horse
When Ellie grows up she wants to be a Chiropractor.
When asked if her parents were to turn into animals what animals would they become; she thought they would become horses. 

Meet Our Blue Room Munchkin Of The Meeting

Rianen Elsie
Also known as Nanners
Age 2
Favorite Food: Mac and Cheese
Favorite Toy: Anything Dora
Favorite Thing To Do: Color
Favorite Animal: Cat
Favorite Color: Yellow
Best Trait According To Mom: Her sense of  humor paired with her quirky facial expressions.
Terrible Two Moment: Has been known to give herself frequent tattoos with washable markers.